Sunday, September 9, 2007

Quiet Moment....

Hello dear world

Good evening once again. I came upon a poem that I wanted to share with all of you. The poem was written by a woman named Marianne Boruch who is a writer who was written a couple of books of poetry. Marianne lives in Indiana and the poem I am going to share with you is about a bird's nest that she finds near her door. I hope you enjoy the poem and hopefully it finds you in a quiet moment of your own.

And now the poem....


I walked out, and the nest

was already there by the step, Woven basket

of a saint

sent back to life as a bird

who proceeded to make

a mess of things. Wind

right through it, and any eggs

long vanished. But in my hand it was

intricate pleasure, even the thorny reeds

softened in the weave. And the fading

leaf mold, hardly

itself anymore, merely a trick

of light, if light

can be tricked. Deep in a life

is another life. I walked out, the nest

already by the step.

-----Marianne Boruch

(c.) 1996

Did you like it my dear world ?



Anonymous said...

Yes I do like it Monae.  Can you tell me what it means to you?  I'd love to know.


Anonymous said...

Very nice poem.  Thanks for sharing it.  Have a good week ahead.


Anonymous said...

Nice poem. B. x

Anonymous said...

That was lovely Monae. :o)

Love Sandra xxxx

Anonymous said...

It made me feel relaxed.