Sunday, August 28, 2005

Not Quite Sure What To Say.....

This evening's entry might come out more like a letter that I send to you dear world so here it goes....

Good evening dear world....I really don't know how to begin but I have bad news. I was watching the Fox News Channel a few minutes ago and I have been hearing some pretty bad news. Hurricane Katrina is now in Lousiana and many people have taken shelter in the Lousiaina Superdome for safety. My parents used to live in Louisiana before I was born. We still have relatives down in the area I am sad to report. It is just sad to hear the news that we might lose Louisiana due to Hurricane Katrina. I heard that Louisiana might be submerged in water forever after Katrina is long gone which saddens me quite a bit. My parents are watching the news and there is news that people are still being told to evacuate the area and go to higher ground. The horrible thing dear world is that I heard that many lives will be lost in this hurricane as Katrina continues through Louisiana. Hearing the news is upsetting especially to think of all the people who are still in Louisiana and are unable to leave. I don't want to think about what could happen dear world its just too much to think of. 

Enough with the bad news dear world how are you ? Here I am still not feeling all that well but I am trying to cope. The reason I have been feeling under the weather is because in the back where my kidneys are has been hurting for a few days now. My mom used to work in the medical profession so she says that its possible that I have a bladder infection which might be causing the pain. I don't want to go to the doctor and hear bad news about what might be causing me to be in pain but I'm coping.....Anyway enough about me I'll be okay.

I just hope that the people in Louisiana will be okay after this terrible hurricane comes to an end. I hope this hurricane won't be as bad as recent reports have stated but one can only can only hope.....

To everyone else out there in the world I hope you are all doing well. Sleep well everyone and take care.

In the end I did turn this into a letter which I hope finds you and finds you well......

As always I sendyou my best wishes dear world good-night

Thursday, August 25, 2005

I'm Sorry.....

Hello dear world....I have to say that I'm sorry. I haven't been around lately to read all of my favorite journals like I normally do. I haven't been feeling too good lately so I haven't been around as much.  I will try to catch up on all of your journals soon.....

On a different note I stopped off at Patrick's journal titled "Patricks's Place" and I did something I wish I never would have done. I made a comment on one of his entries that I wish I wouldn't have done in the first place. I don't normally like to comment on politics, personal opinion and on things that don't concern me. His entry didn't have anything to do with me so I should not have left that comment. From now I will not be doing anymore commenting on any kind of political issues or on entries in journals. I realize now that it wasn't my place to comment and I would like to say to Patrick I am sorry.

I hope to be feeling better soon.....

On a different note a sweet person named Joyce Stigger of the journal "Living With A Serious Illness" isn't doing too well herself. She has been in the hospital due to illness so if anyone could send her some kind words I'm sure she would appreciate it.

Good night dear world...Sleep Well

Sunday, August 21, 2005

Happy Anniversary AOL Journal Land


Thanks to everyone who has come along and visited my journal. I have enjoyed my stay here at AOL Journal Land you are all great....I like you all so thanks everyone for your kindnesses. THANKS SO VERY, VERY, VERY MUCH !!!

On a different note I have come upon some very wonderful journals recently and I wanted to share them with you all.... One of them is titled "From Every Angle".

A fellow journaller Jeannette of Jeannette's Jottings introduced another journal titled "Dreamy Days". I think that the writer of Dreamy Days could use some encouragement from the kind people here at AOL Journal Land so here is a link to these journals.

I also found another journal that I think you all will enjoy titled "Friendship, Loyalty and Love". I really like her journal because we have some things in common. Here is a link to her journal....

I find these journals quite wonderful and I hope all of you will enjoy them as I do. It has been nice reading all of your journals. If I have not gotten around to reading your journal please know that I either don't know about it or I will get around to it soon.

For now drop by these journals and have a very wondeful evening.....

Once again happy anniversary AOL JOURNALS on a job well done.....

Saturday, August 20, 2005

Some Notes....

Ciao dear world.....Come sta ? I was browsing through the AOL Journal Gallery and I came upon some really nice journals. I found two journals that I would like to share with you....One is titled "Smalltown Charm" and the other is titled "Paragon".

Here is a link to Smalltown Charm-

Here is a link to Paragon -

Drop by and you will like them as I do

Arrivederci dear world.......Sweet dreams

Beautiful Day....

Ciao dear world....Come sta? I woke up to a beautiful day today. It might be a little warm outside but it looks beautiful outside. This is a perfect day for picnics in the park, Baseball games, going to amusement parks, going shopping or my most favorite thing of all, camping. I have been thinking that I should call that guy that I met at work but I have decided that if it was meant to be we probably would have talked again. I'm sure I will meet someone but it will probably take time. Anyway this is a really nice day today so I might as well go out and enjoy it.....I'll tell you about my day when we talk again....Gotta go the day is calling !!! A piu' tardi dear world Arrivederci. I'm learning some Italian a little bit anyway what do you think ? I don't think I would be able to know enough to make it to Italy though it would be nice to go to Italy. I have always wanted to go to Italy I heard its beautiful there. Once again Arrivederci !!

Wednesday, August 17, 2005


Hello dear world.....That guy I met at work well he never called again after the last time. I haven't heard from him and I decided I won't be calling him to ask why. The guy seemed interested but in the end I guess he wasn't.

I hope that in time that I will meet someone that I really like and that person will like me in return. I am not going to give up hope on finding someone. I think that finding someone who fills your heart with joy takes time. I still believe that there is someone out there just for me. Lots of people in the world have experienced love at least once in their lives I would just like to experience it for myself just once.

Sometimes when I'm in stores I can see on the cover of magazines  pictures of Katie Holmes smiling and holding hands with Tom Cruise in different parts of the world. I wish I had her life for a day except I wouldn't want to have Tom Cruise. I am not a fan of Tom Cruise he just seems a little too weird lately. Give me John Mayer on the other hand and I would be more than happy. Am I weird or what ??

Perhaps one of these days I will find someone that will fall for me and all of my silliness you just never know. Someone might happen to come along when I least expect it.......I just don't know

For now good night dear world....sleep well

Sunday, August 14, 2005

John Mayer

Good evening world....Today I was feeling extremely good so I spent half of my day listening to a CD of my favorite singer John Mayer. I am a fan of John Mayer's music. One of my favorite songs of his is "Your Body Is A Wonderland" I like that song. I like a lot of his songs on his cd's. I just played my cd over and over again. My cd is probably worn out by now but I just love listening to John Mayer sing a few of his songs.

Is anyone else a fan of the wonderful John Mayer ??

That's all for now dear world good night....sweet dreams

Thanks Everyone !!

Hello world....Thank you all for your advice it was highly appreciated. I have good news the guy called me twice today and I wasn't nervous. I didn't have to call him because he called me and we talked twice on the phone. He complimented me on when he saw me he said that he thought I was quite pretty and he wanted to talk to me which he did. He is a really nice person to talk to. I don't know where things will go from here but hopeful things continue to go great. I would like to go out with him so maybe he might ask me out. He seemed really interested in me and he liked talking to me on the phone.

Just when you think nothing will happen something happens. I really can't wait to talk to him again on the phone. This is all new for me and it feels good to know someone is interested in me. I am feeling good. Who knew this would happen.....

Good bye for now dear world.....and thanks


Saturday, August 13, 2005

I Need Some Advice Quick......

Hello dear world....

I need some advice quick, quick, quick !!! That guy that came up to me at my work called today. I wasn't home to talk to him which leads to why I need advice. I want to call him but I don't know what I should say. I have NEVER called a guy. I am afraid that I am going to say something stupid. I am nervous when I think about calling him. I don't know this guy or anything about him. He called me but I haven't returned his call. What should I say ?? What will he think ? What will he say ? I am 29 years old and I'm nervous about calling a guy for the first time. I am filled with nerves......I need some advice....I know that I sound a little nuts asking for advice simply about calling a guy but there it is. I have NEVER had a boyfriend so I guess this doesn't sound so entirely weird or does it ??

Its later in the evening and a lot of my nerves have slipped away. I will call him and I'm sure talking to him will be nice. I don't know what might come of it but I'm hoping we hit it off you never know. Tomorrow I will call him. Spencer of the journal Spencer's Place gave me some great advice.

I will tell you all about it tomorrow....

Dear world.......good night

Friday, August 12, 2005

Delightful Day....

Hello good evening world....

Today was wonderful. A guy that doesn't work at my job came up to me and gave me a compliment. This guy came up said that "I'm pretty". He asked for my number and I did give him my phone number. I don't know if he is going to call me but you never know. Guys don't come up to me at work unless they need something or something has to be done. A guy saying that "I'm pretty" doesn't usually happen but this compliment I'll take it........

Good night world sleep well........

Thursday, August 11, 2005

A Quick Note....

Good evening world....

I just wanted to share this quick something with you....There is a rather nice journal that I came upon by someone who sent me a note. The someone is the writer of a journal and to her I want to say a "HUGE........THANKS !!!!". I read her journal and I really liked it. I thought that you would want to drop by dear world so here is a link....

The title of the journal is : My Everyday Life

I really find her journal to be well worth a read.....You will especially love the pictures I know I did....

Good night world.....Sweet Dreams

Tuesday, August 9, 2005

More Thoughts....

Good evening dear are you doing tonight ?

Well its that time again....Both of my nieces are heading back to school. Its also time for buying school supplies: pens, pencils, tape, rulers, folders, binders, notebooks, erasers and the lists for what might be needed goes on and on. One of my nieces is off to Kindergarten while the other is off to High School.

My favorite subject in school was English and that was about my only favorite subject for me. In High School we had papers to write and a variety of books to read from Melville to Hemmingway and Whitman to Dickinson. English class took having to work hard but it was quite fun.

Math was my hardest subject in school. I never did quite grasp the understanding of fractions, decimal points or any part of figuring out how to solve problems which involved having to use long division. I did quite poorly in math which is probably obvious by now.  

Along with Math being my hardest subject came Science class. In Science class we either had to dissect frogs or we had to put together different chemicals in order to perform experiments. Science was another one of those subjects that I just couldn't seem to do well in.


Dear world I have to admit that along with buying my nieces school supplies I buy a few things myself. There's just something about the smell of newly sharpened pencils and lined notebook paper.....Is that weird ??

That's about it for now.....good night 

Monday, August 8, 2005

Just Thoughts

Good-evening world....

I am in the midlle of reading of High Plains Tango written by Robert James Waller who also wrote The Bridges of Madison County and A Thousand County Roads and many others. As I kept reading the book I kept wanting to run back to the journal One-Way Passage. As I was reading the book I kept thinking back to the unique writing that I find in the journal One-Way Passage. Here is a link to the journal so you will see what I am saying is true....

 Though I hate to say this but the writer of the journal One-Way Passage writes a little more poetically than Robert James Waller does. I  still continue to read this journal more times than I could ever think to count. There is something about the journal One - Way Passage that keeps me reading time and time again.....

Dear world you must read the journal One-Way Passage and then you must read the books of Mr. Robert James Waller and then tell me what you think........I will continue reading the magical words of the journal One-Way Passage.....

Good-night world....Sleep Well

Sunday, August 7, 2005


Good evening dear I am. My family and I are back once more. We took a little camping trip down to a place known as "John Tanner State Park". John Tanner State Park is located in Carrollton, Ga. Here's a little bit of historical background on the naming of the park for all of those history buffs out there....John Tanner State Park was named after a local businessman who operated the property as a private park from 1954 - 1971.

We stayed at campsite #18 which I can say is a little bit of a steep campsite which I felt would be equivalent to scaling Mt.Everest not that I have ever scaled Mt. Everest. We also went to the beach which was also named after Mr. John Tanner himself. The sand combined with the water looked like that of a very frothy chocolate milk without any of the sugary sweetness of course. The showers were clean though and the water in the showers were warm unlike other campsites I have been to. Though I would like to say that the campsites need to offer more of a view than they do. My nieces had a blast and I enjoyed myself as well. It was a nice trip all in all and the weather was great. There's a show I watch on television known as the "Travel Channel". On each camping trip we have taken over the weekends my parents have really brought the travel channel to life.

In a few more weeks we are planning to take another camping trip over the weekend I can't wait to see where we'll go next. My dad has a pop up camper which is always nice for campers like us. We hook up the camper to the car and we're off on another one of our little travels. I like camping its a real fun experience and there's always some place to go and things to be done. It certainly feels like I have been away for quite a while. I have been living out of a travel bag the size of an extra large suitcase.

Does anyone enjoy camping like I do ??? Tell me....

By the way......thanks to everyone who has left me wonderful comments and to all of you who have come to read my journal. I appreciate all of you who have come to drop me a note. You are all appreciated more than you know.


Has anyone figured out my little riddle ?? The answeris now revealed....

"I am left-handed"

I want to give a huge thanks to everyone who has come to read my journal.....


Good - night dear world....Sleep well and sweet dreams for now

P.S. I have to note that a lovely woman named Joyce who keeps the journal titled living with a serious illness is not doing well.She is sick at the moment and I hope that she gets better soon. Leave her thoughts for a speedy is a link to her journal....

offer her some thoughts to comfort her at this time she would appreciate it very much....Thanks






Wednesday, August 3, 2005

Something About Me......

Good evening world.....

I'm going to name a few people and then I will ask you what these people have in common :

Billy the Kid, Matt Dillon, Robert de Niro, Helen Keller, Thomas Jefferson, John D. Rockefeller, Ludwig van Beethoven, John F. Kennedy Jr. , Buzz Aldrin, Michelangelo, Leonardo da Vinci, Albert Einstein, Benjamin Franklin, Cary Grant, Paul McCartney, Marilyn Monroe and Keanu Reeves.

All of these people have one thing in common.....

Can you tell.....

Are you curious.....

Do you want to know......

Have you figured it out....

Do you think you know ???


The answer has to do with finding out something about me. I will keep you guessing......

Here is something that might help you out.....

August 13 is an official day for people who are..........what ??


Good night dear world....




Monday, August 1, 2005

I'M BACK....

Good evening world......I recently returned from a trip with my parents from a place called "Magnolia Springs State Park" which is located in Millen, Ga. It rained on and off the entire weekend there. The drive there was a little wet but nice. Most of the land down there is farm land and it is quite a bit of land. Once we arrived it was still wet. The trees at the park are draped in Spanish moss which gives a taste of the deep South. The Spanish Moss might be a little haunting but the campsites are a different take. The campsites offer little to no views of what you will see at Magnolia Springs.

There is a small bridge there over a little bit of a spring which flows with crystal clear water. The water is filled with green moss and lots of turtles. The turtles in the springs are known as box turtles and a rather enormous snapping turtle. There at Magnolia is also a freshwater aquarium at a place called Bo Ginn. The aquarium is home to different varieties of fish like that of Spotted Gar, Sturgeon, Warmouth Sunfish, Grass Carp, Albino Channel Catfish and an American Eel.

The camp showers offered plenty of hot water which was a change from other campgrounds I have been to. Magnolia is a place where you can expect to get lots of peace and quiet. The campsite was home to my family and I and no other campers. We were the only campers to the campsite this weekend. My mom said that it was like we were the only people on earth for the weekend.

We found out that our cell phone didn't work down there. We asked one of the ladies who worked at the campground  and she said that the campground was located in a kind of pocket in Millen, Ga. The cell phone didn't work until we left Millen. Driving around downtown Waynesboro we found that it is a rather old antiquated country town with few other updated hints of the future. It was like stepping into the past where you were for a while back in a place like Mayberry which some of you might know to be an old television show.

Other than the aquarium and the Spanish moss Magnolia had nothing else to add. I would say that Magnolia isn't the best campground to go to if your ever in Georgia. Though you will get lots of quiet there to be sure. So if your looking to get tons of sleep drop in to Magnolia you won't need sleeping pills for that trip....take my word for it.

On a different note we arrived home and we stopped off at a few stores one of them being "Barnes & Noble" which is a bookstore an enormous bookstore. I LOOOOVVVVVVVEEEEED this bookstore. Barnes & Noble is a book lovers paradise I was like a kid in a candy store. I had never been there until today. The bookstore is filled with tons and tons and tons and tons of books on every subject you can think of.......They also have shelves filled with these lovely journals with gold, leather and beautifully decorated bindings that your eyes can't believe. The sight of so many books delighted me as never before. I could never count the number of books in the store there were so many.

The store was flooded wall to wall books.......The smell inside the store was amazing. You walk inside and you can smell the books waiting to be picked up. There's even a coffee shop inside where you can order all kinds of coffee.



Is anyone else an avid book lover as I am ???

What's your favorite book ?

.......For now good night dear world