Monday, June 20, 2005

Another Monday

.............Hello world

Today began another week which is always a come the week never begins on a Thursday ??? Wouldn't it just be nice to have the week start on a Thursday ??? Never mind me anyway I was busy at work today always busy, busy, busy. The weather wasn't at hot as it has been though of course tomorrow is the 1st Day of Summer. I'm sure the weather will be fuel igniting once Summer gets off and rollin' so I'm enjoying this cool weather while I can.

On a different note someone gave me the title of a journal which I find quite wonderful it is titled "My Day and Thoughts" I will add it to my list. Here's something else I had to note - I watched the movie "Hitch" again with my mother and let me tell you that movie with Will Smith is one funny, funny movie. I think that movie and Will Smith deserve Oscars. Will Smith was great in that movie no one could have played that movie any better.

I also spent some time cleaning up my room which is a task since I have become a little lazy with getting my room picked up. No guy has ever been in my room anyway so that's probably a good thing. Though I did get a lot done in the cleaning portion of my evening, thank goodness. After all the cleaning I lit some candles in my room to get it smelling oh so wonderful !!! I have enough candles in my room to start my own candle shop. I have candles that are peach, blueberry, chocolate, strawberry, orange, cinnamon, vanilla and lavender scented just to name a few. If the power ever does go out on a rainy night I will be quite prepared.

All in all I just did a few little tasks and then I came to check out some more journals. I really hope everyone enjoys my journal...Good night all...Sweet dreams


Anonymous said...

I love candles as well, the scents of your sound wonderful. It continues to be warm here and is getting hotter but in the north of the country they have had terrible floods, lots of people lost their homes - they had no warning, flash floods that came out of nowhere.  Luckily we do not get flooding here but with the climate continuing to change, who knows.  xxx

Anonymous said...

I have a chocolate scented candle too.  I keep it in the kitchen and in the morning when I come downstairs I can smell it before anything else.  Perhaps it would be nice if we could mix up all the days of the week and have Thursday on a Monday and so on...!  lolol   ;-)

Sandra xxx