Sunday, September 4, 2005

More News.......

Good evening dear world......Today my family and I heard from more of our relatives. I have a little more good news. More of my relatives are safe and sound in a place called Franklin, Tenn. They were flown out there by helicopter after spending 2 days on a bridge in New Orleans, Louisiana. My relatives are doing well and they are without injury thank goodness. I can tell you that I have been watching more people being evacuated hour by hour on CNN.

Some of you might not know this but I have been keeping a hand-written journal which has been flooded with many of my depressive and angry thoughts since Hurricane Katrina happened. I have written about the many people who have been rescued as well as those who have died in the Hurricane who will forvever be in my prayers.

Its just that now I feel that I am coming out of my thoughts which have been filled with  sadness and with anger over all that has happened. I  know that the people in Louisiana will never forget what happened to them for years to come as I never will but they are all quite strong and will overcome all of this.

Recently my mom has reminded me that I can't linger in my grief over what happened. In the last couple of days I have been upset and filled with tears and anger which seem to be fading more and more. Though I will continue to pray for the people of Louisiana, my relatives and the victims who didn't survive this horrible tragedy.

The thing is dear world I feel that it is time for me to move on from all of this hurt that has been deep down inside of me. I know that the people of Louisiana including my relatives will bounce back from this and the city of Louisiana will be stronger when it is rebuilt and brought back to life once more.

I am filled with hope

For now good - night dear world tomorrow will certainly be a different day. Sleep Well.......


Anonymous said...

I am so glad that all your relatives are safe and sound.  You cannot hold grief and anger for ever, yes, it is time to move on.

Anonymous said...

So happy to hear the good news!