Friday, September 2, 2005

Good News....

Good evening dear world...As some of you may know I had relatives living in the New Orleans area but I didn't get to hear from them until today. Want to hear the good news ??

Are you on the edge of your seats ??

Can't you just feel the excitement bubbling ??

I'll keep you waiting......just kidding ha,ha, ha.Okay dear world I have kept you waiting long enough here it is. My relatives are doing great. They got out of New Orleans on the first buses. My relatives are in Houston not at the Astrodome though. They are at a hotel in Houston and a little shaken up but otherwise doing great. Everyone got out and they are alive thank goodness. I am happy to hear they are okay so there is a little good news in the middle of all this tragedy. I just hope that the others are doing fine as well.....

On a different note I'm doing better. I really wish that I could do something huge for the people in New Orleans. The people hopefully will be fine in the end I just don't know. The people there are in my prayers always.

How is everyone else in the world holding up I wonder ?  I am just hoping that you are okay dear world.......

Until we talk again dear world sleep well and sweet dreams as always.........


Anonymous said...

I'm so glad to know that your relatives were able to get out of New Orleans quickly and safely! All of these unfortunate people are in our prayers.     Jon

Anonymous said...

So glad that your family are safe and out of the area.  Let us hope they get everyone else out quickly now.

Anonymous said...

Glad you are feeling better and glad your people got out of New Orleans safely. Helen