Sunday, September 3, 2006

My Day And Answering Questions.......

Hello Dear World !!!!!!

How are you this evening ? First things first.....Early this morning my family and I went to church which is known as "St. Philip Benizi Catholic Church" here is a link ------> . After church we went to breakfast at a place called Cracker Barrel which serves country type of foods. Here is the site for you to check out -----> . Let me begin by saying there were quite a few nice looking guys there but I have to say that I didn't approach any of them and start a conversation. I don't know why it is but I find it hard to go up to guys and start a conversation. I did smile at them but none approached me either. We did sit down to eat and let me also tell you that at the Cracker Barrel you will find the best pancakes and bacon that anyone could ever imagine. They also have a store inside where they have a multitude of items from shirts to lamps to old fashioned candy to children's games. We go to the Cracker Barrel from time to time to eat. We enjoyed a really good breakfast there.

After we left Cracker Barrel we went to a mall nearby called "Southlake Mall ".If you want to see it check out this link ----> . Inside of the mall they have various stores like Sears, Macy's to a long line of teen stores and much much more. They also have stores inside such as Rich's. Its fun to go there and look around. I didn't see anything I wanted in the mall today but it was nice to go there and look. Window shopping is just as fun as buying things. It was fun to go there and look in the different stores today.

Anyway......I will start answering your questions one at a time. If I forget to answer your question please leave me a little note and I will try to answer all of your questions when I can. I will start with my first questions now:

Morgan of Random Thoughts asks : What made you want to start your journal ? Well Morgan I came upon AOL Journals when I read a wonderful journal written by my now wonderful and dear friend Jeannette ofJeannette's Jottings who happens to be a very interesting lady as well as a tremendous writer. She welcomed me to J-Land with open arms so I thought I would share myself with other wonderful people such as herself.

My other friend who writes the journal oddb0dkins asks: If they wereto make a film of your life, who would you like to play you ? Hmmmm.....I really liked the show "My So-Called Life" which had Claire Danes in the show. She was a really intense and wonderful actress playing a young teen who went through many changes in life in the show so I would say that I would pick Claire Danes to play me.

My other friend Diane asks: Where is your all time favorite campsite and why ? Being that my family and I went to Panama City Beach for several years we fell in love with St. Andrews State Park which is a very amazing campground that has many things for both the young and old to enjoy. Its also a wonderful place to camp. She also asks why have I chosen to stay at home ? Well I have 2 nieces at home that I am helping with which my parents have said helps them a lot being that their mother works nights and I just feel that I have really found that I like spending time with my family and relatives. Diane also asks: Have I ever thought to try Online Dating ? I thought about it but I would really like to think that I will bump into a guy that I like in a store or when I'm out and about doing this or doing that and it will just happen. But I might just give it a try I am just not sure right now.

One of my other very wonderful friends who is named Hadon asks: Where did you get that wonderful personality ? I am not sure really I guess I try and stay myself and I try to keep myself open to learning more and more about myself. Hadon also asks: If they made a movie of your life, what would the title be called ? I really like that question and I think the title would be "Head Over Heels" because I would like my story to be like a lifetime movie about a young woman who falls in love accidentally. I also might want the title to be like "You've Got Mail" since its one of my top favorite movies next to "84 Charing Cross Road" that is.

Last but certainly NOT least asks: Did you like school and what were your best subjects ? I did like certain parts of school and certain parts I didn't. My best subject was English. My worst subjects were definitely Math, History, Biology and Economics I wasn't good in those subjects. Jeannette also asks: What is a memory that really stands out from your childhood ? A memory that really stands out would have to be all the Earthquakes thatI experienced when I was home alone when I used to live in California. She also asks: What is the one thing in your life that makes you the happiest ? I would have to say my family, my relatives and of course all of you here at J-Land who have been so very very kind to me. Thanks to all of you and to John Scalzi who also welcomed me aboard J-Land. You are all appreciated by me.

For now I will try to answer the rest of your questions in my next entry......If I missed you it was not on purpose I will get around to your question. If there is anything your afraid to ask me please feel free to do so. I don't mind answering questions from my dear friends. I hope you have enjoyed getting to know me as I have getting to know you.

I will say good-night for now and I wish you all sweet dreams !!!!!!!!!!

Take care dear world.


Anonymous said...

Good answers, I enjoyed that. B. x

Anonymous said...

Hello Monae    I am glad you enjoyed seeing my view from my fence line.    Today has had a rough start as my back causes me to take the prescription medication just so I can get out of bed.     Then I feel sedate the rest of the day and mostly want to lay on a board and cushion and read.    I will try to get some physical activity done with jobs needing to be done at home.    Tomorrow I will get the results of the MRI of my lumbar spine.    I enjoyed reading your answers and can tell you are a fun person to be around.    I am not on the computer much as it is too uncomfortable to sit on the stool I have to have because of the table my computer sits on.     I have to finish so much of my cabin's interior before I can make a  workstation that will allow a more comfortable chair.     I will be making entries from time to time as well as visiting journals.     I will try to visit everyone that has taken the time to visit my journal as soon as I can.    Wishing you an enjoyable Labor Day Holiday.     mark

Anonymous said...

Thank You for answering our questions... I really enjoyed reading them and getting to know you even more!  :O)
Hope U Have a GREAT day!