Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Hello...A Little News

Hello dear world

How are you ? I'm fine thanks. It was another day for me in jury duty land. It was a day of listening to witnesses and this,that and the other. The trial is still going so I am afraid that I can't discuss the details. I can tell you that there were two older gentlemen in the jury room with us that were quite friendly with all of us right off the bat. Anywho... I thought that at least I would share a clip with you from the 1957 Version of "12 Angry Men" here is the clip ----> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5NFfFsb3ph8 .

Of course it was another extremely warm day in Georgia. How were things in your neck of the woods ? I hope things were pretty nice for you and I hope you got to enjoy it.

***By the way***....I forgot to mention that my dad and I stopped off and went to a place in our neck of the woods called the "Hot Wing Cafe". We got some chicken wings and a hot pastrami sandwich for my dad and a BLT for me. French fries came with the BLT but I have to say that I didn't like the bacon on my BLT it just tasted overcooked. I don't eat lettuce and I always give tomatoes to my mom whenever I order a sandwich from places that I get sandwiches at. All that was left on the BLT was mayonnaise and the bacon so actually it was nothing but a "B" after I got through with it. Next time I am just going to stick with the chicken wings and forget the sandwich. Do you like sandwiches my dear world ??

Anywho...I'll be back to talk with you later.


Anonymous said...

I love that movie.  Really good acting in it.  Have fun tomorrow and I'm sure you will be doing lunch once again.


Anonymous said...

Oh come on, discuss the details! Just kidding, I know you are not allowed.  I have seen that movie, it was great.  I didn't like the remake because it wasn't 12 angry men, just 12 angry people that were overacting. : )


Anonymous said...

Hi I was waiting eagerly this morning to hear how you were doing on the jury duty. I know that you can't discuss the case but what a bout a descroption ofthe other juror's ? How many people sit on the jury in the US ? how long do you think the case may last ? Is it interesting? Do they provide you with lunch etc. Over here that was one good thing we were provided with lunch/tea etc. as we were not allowed to leave the courthouse during the day. Also do you got paid for jury duty in US. We don't but can claim any expenses for transport etc.  Looking forward to hearing more tomorrow. What you wearing today ?  Love Sybil xx

Anonymous said...

Fancy ordering a BLT if you don't eat lettuce or tomatoes, lol.
Have a good day m'dear. B. x

Anonymous said...

Another oppressively hot day in SC as well. Very miserable.
(See my entry in "30 days in a Tent")
Jury duty sounds interesting. Hope it goes well and you don't have any difficult hold-outs when you get to the deliberation stage. Obviously if you can get to your computer, you are not squestered.
As for the BLT debate:
   I like BLT's without the "B" or the "L" so I guess I just wind up with a "T".
    We have a local restaurant that makes a BLT salad that is DELICIOUS.
   My husband always asks "How are your tomatoes?" before he orders one. He thinks BLTs are seasonal and he also thinks it's funny when it embarasses waitress. He has a very droll sense of humor...........


Anonymous said...

I'm like you I only eat the bacon and mayo. Love tomatoes by themselves with salt and can't stand the feel of lettuce in my mouth from time to time. I would stick to the wings as well. Hope your days are happy ones - Take care of you!

Anonymous said...

I love tomatoes! If you and I go out, we'll get along fine if you give me all of your tomatoes! LOL!

Anonymous said...

))))))))))))))))))))))HUGSTOYOU)))))))))))))))I just stoped by to say Hi,have a good day.