Tuesday, May 29, 2007

I'M BACK !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Hello dear world

How the heck are you ?? No my dear world I haven't left you. I missed missed missed you all my dear friends. The reason I wasn't around lately is because my computer was on the fritz and I wasn't able to report it to you. But there is good news dear world. I am back to all of you and I shall report all of my news later this evening. I can't begin to tell you how much I missed you guys. I don't know if you noticed my absence but here I am !!!!!!!

I have so much to tell you that its insane. I have kept a written record of my day to day life so I shall come and tell you later this evening. I will have to catch up to your journals and I will be commenting soon.

Rosie has left the building but NOT I . I am still here.

Do you miss me my dear friends ????

I'll be back !!!!!!!!



Anonymous said...

Hope the comp gets fixed soon, Monae.

Anonymous said...

I am surprised that you and your family didn't go on a camping trip over the long weekend. Not south though where all that smoke is. We have been getting a lot of it here the last few days. I hope your computer is fixed now. Helen

Anonymous said...

Sorry you have been having computer problems hon and yes you where missed!
(Hugs) Indigo

Anonymous said...

You were missing? I hadn't noticed . . . just kidding.  J-land missed you immensely!  Take care.


Anonymous said...

I wondered where you had been! Glad you're doing ok.

Anonymous said...

((((((((((((((((((((((((((((HUGSTOYOU))))))))))))))))))I have missed you and notice you havent been around.You have such a busy life.I think you have more of a life than I do.LOL.Glad your back.Have a nice night.

Anonymous said...

I noticed!  Welcome back!!!  I hate computer issues

Anonymous said...

I havn't been around much this week myself.Due to company stopping with me and entertaining.Just trying  to catch up on a few alerts now whilst they are sleeping.I am sorry you have had problems Grrrr. Looking forward to reading your future postings,when I am back to normal. Take Care God Bless.Kath
Astoriasand http://journals.aol.co.uk/astoriasand/MYSIMPLERHYMES

Anonymous said...

'Course we missed ya.
Welcome back, home the pc is feeling better now. B. x

Anonymous said...

Hiya yes you was missed. I hope the pc solves its own trouble. Have a great day.
love and hugs

Anonymous said...

Im glad your back.....