Thursday, April 6, 2006


Hello Dear World......

How have you been ??? I know its been a while since I came and talked to you. Forgive me for the long gap in communicating. After going to funerals I needed a little time to rest.

Anyway......In the last few days many people at my job have been complimenting me on my haircut telling me how beautiful it was and how nice it looked which made me feel really good. I got to thinking about the book " Metamorphosis " which was written by the writer Franz Kafka. No I didn't wake up a cockroach or some other insect but I feel like I am going through a kind of metamorphosis of my own. A while ago I suffered from depression but in these last few months I have felt really great.

I used to watch a show on television called " My so-called Life " which was a really great television show. Claire Danes played a character named Angela Chase. Here is the link ----------> . I found a little part in the book which says --

" That when you really look closely ? People are so strange and so complicated that they're actually.......beautiful.

Possibly even me."

I think that's a great part in the book. What do you think dear world ??


Anonymous said...

I always thought Kafka was a bit of an odd ball myself, but the book made a good point.   I love My So-Called Life...I still check it out on reruns from time to time.

Anonymous said...

Glad you are feeling much better now. Have a great day! Helen

Anonymous said...

Good comment ,I hope your getting your head round all the stuff ,you've been experiancing ,funerals etc ,Pleased everyone likes your new hairdo ,thats positive for you ..............Jan xx