Thursday, April 27, 2006

........On The Road Again

Hello Dear World !!!!

How are you ????? I packed my suitcase for my trip you heard it here first although packing is hard. I have to be honest with you usually I just throw different pairs of clothing into my bag, cross my fingers and hope that everything won't end up wrinkled.

My family and I are heading to a place called " Crooked River State Park. " I don't know why its called Crooked River but that's the name of the place. Anyway.......I'm just going to finish getting together my last minute items and do my usual stuffing of things I won't be using on my trip into a bag.

Let me ask you a question.......How do you pack for a trip ? Are you a person who packs ahead of time or do you pack like the last minute ?

I will write everything down in a hand written journal that I keep so I can come back and share it all with you my dear friends at J-Land. I will try not to leave out any details. We will be leaving in the morning so if you don't hear from me don't call for a search party unless I'm not back on Monday. My trip is just for the weekend so I shall return.

Anyway.........I was at work today which I have to admit I didn't do much work. I kind of slacked off a bit today but my coworkers said they will get me back to working next week. I will get back to working but I just had to rest up for my trip.....wink, wink........

I will talk to all of you upon my return.........Until then my dear friends. Take care..........

See ya !!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Anonymous said...

Hope you have a great weekend. It has been a long time since I was physically able to go on a trip and for Ken either. Helen

Anonymous said...

Have a great time.

Anonymous said...

There's a Crooked River area in eastern Oregon...did you know that?  I pack ahead of time, I lay my open suitcase out on the extra bed or a couple chairs and add to it as I think of things and the closer to "blast off" day...I'm doing laundry and doing the last minute packing.  I also like to leave a couple clean outfits and undies at home, so when I get home I have something clean to put on.  My Alaska cruise is in August and the other day I put my coin purse full of Canadian money in my case (we spend a day in Victoria, BC) so I wouldn't forget it. Call me obsessive but I'll be ready to go when the day comes.  Linda in Washington state

Anonymous said...

I must admit I don't pack my case untill the day before going on holiday ~ Hope you have a lovely time and take care ~ Ally

Anonymous said...

Hi Monae,  I always pack days, and even weeks before a trip, mind you I still sort through it again to see if I`ve left anything out!  Have a great time. :o)

Sandra xxxx

Anonymous said...

Enjoy your trip, Monae!  As for packing, I usually wait for the last minute, but I organize ahead of time. I make sure I do any neccessary washing or cleaning, purchasing of supplies and equipment ahead of time. I also have a series of pre-established and field-tested lists that I use for different styles of outdoor adventures at different times of the year. That makes packing a cinch!

Best regards,

Anonymous said...

Some is packed ahead of time . Most of it is packed the night before.