Saturday, April 14, 2007


Hello dear world

Good evening how are you ? I had to come by and say hello and tell you a few things.

First off you will be happy to know that I went out today and did some shopping. First my folks and I went out to Home Depot which was fun for me for the very 1st time. Today my mom and I went to the garden part of Home Depot and I picked up some really nice orange flowers, some yellow flowers, some white flowers and I for the first time ever bought some Lavender which I can tell you smells wonderful. Hopefully the Lavender will make it because I have to confess that I am something of a black thumb when it comes to flowers. At Home Depot they also had some Roman mosaic tile there which I have to say was really nice. You might want to check out this site -----> . You will get to see how beautiful the mosaics are as me and my mom saw it. Go over and check them out.

Anywho....after Home Depot my folks and I went over to Kroger to do some more shopping. My mom and I let me tell you had a blast there. We went down each and every single aisle at the grocery store. I have to warn you that you should never go the grocery store hungry. I picked up quite a few things including : some Mayfield Coffe House Fudge ice cream as well as some Ben & Jerry's Cinnamon Buns ice cream. For the first time I also picked up some Italian Biscotti chocolate decadence cookies, some Irish Cream coffee and some Prego Italian Sausage & Garlic spaghetti sauce. My dear world you have to try all different kinds of spaghetti sauce its a must new adventure. I also picked up some Asian Garlic Chicken pasta for the first time. You might want to know that I also picked up some Asian Spring Rolls and let me tell you they were good. They had some sauce packets in the box with the spring rolls and yes the sauce was quite good.

Here is the best ice cream link in the world for you to check out -----> . This ice cream is my very favorite to eat.

On a different note earlier this evening I watched the movie "Speed" with Keanu Reeves which is another one of my favorite movies of his. He is wonderful in the movie. I think that Keanu should make another great action movie something similar perhaps to Speed.

Today I can report that the weather was really nice for my folks and I being out shopping. Once we got home is when it started raining. The pollen is still hanging around though but I am pretty stocked up from my trip to Kroger with Claratin and nose spray thank goodness. dear friend you still there ???

So my dear world how was your day ? Did you go out today and do any shopping ? I hope you had as nice a day as I did. I guess that's about it for now. I will talk to you again later my dear world.

Good night my dear world !!!!!!!


Anonymous said...

(((((((((((((((((((((((((HUGSTOYOU))))))))))))))))))))))I always love to read how your day is going.I can tell you love to hang out with your family,that is nice,I am glad you had a nice day going shoping,buying lots of ice I can tell you,I am not much of an ice cream eater.But will tell you that for some odd reason I love Mcdondlads Vanilla ice cream cone,I can eat one of them a nice Sunday.

Anonymous said...

You're right, you shuldn't go shopping when you're hungry, lol. You sure had a good time though. B. x

Anonymous said...

That one lesson I have learned. Never go grocery shopping when you are hungry LOL. Helen

Anonymous said...

Wow you are right about shopping hungry. That is a disaster in the making!  Sounds like a good day to me. Home Depot is one of my favorite places. I go there and just browse and dream of what I could do to my house....when I'm RICH! LOL!
Have a good evening.

Anonymous said...

(Perks up)... oh yeah, I'm here!  LOL...  Just a month & 1/2 late... but you know why now ;o)  ... I'm back to my old routine again... until my next job assignment with the temp agency or unless I get that court house clerk position that I applied for, still haven't heard from them (crossing my fingers and toes here ;o) ... Btw, I was temping for a local news channel legal department for a number of days these past two weeks... was "drama" craziness there, but was all good... I'll email you the details  :O)  ... Your friend, Diane.