Hello world....Today you will be happy to know that I am doing much better. I feel much much better.
On a different note today there were reports of Tornados in the Atlanta area. Well tornados and I don't go together. Earlier the sky quickly opened up and it rained like ( 5 ) oceans all rolled up into one and I'm not exaggerating.
Would you like to hear something funny ??? Well new flavors were debuted Friday at 20 Metro locations of an ice cream shop known as Cold Stone Creamery including one called Newman's branch on Decatur Square. Don't think I'm nuts but let me give you some examples of the new flavors: Lobster, Blue Cheese, Wasabi - Ginger, Tequila - Dijon and also Corn. Would you want to try that on an ice cream cone ?? Chefs are coming up with edgy flavors to appeal to their customers. How about Olive and Chocolate ??? Even Breakfast Cereal ??? A Chef named Joel will be adding something new to the menu something not sweet - a strange flavor of smoke, of meat, of breakfast, BACON....yes you heard me "BACON ICE CREAM" isn't that something ???
Dear world let me know what you think about that ??? Is this a good thing or is this a little out of the unusual....I don't know if I would try any of these flavors. Would you....
Good night world...sleep well
Pleased to read that you're feeling better today. Those flavours sound interesting.....I think I prefer my chocolate ice cream just heavy on the chocolate! I've just had some actually :o) I recommend it for fighting off the blues, though not too good for the waistline if taken in excess! Keep smiling.
Bacon??? Bacon Ice Cream??? I suppose if you added two scoops of egg flavored ice cream you could call it breakfast...heh!
...glad you're feeling better...TERRY
Glad you are feeling better!
Wish I'd have rain like what you described.
Ginger and tequila I could handle - - but lobster, corn, & bacon??? NO WAY!!
Give me some old fashioned vanilla ice cream, please!
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