Dear world....The day is all but done and the sky melted to a warm blue color like the ocean on a warm night and the wind is cool. The trees were the color of perfect emeralds polished to a high shine. This evening came with a beauty that poets would write of. The clouds themselves resembled spun cotton on a warm day. The sky stretched itself out a mile long as if inviting the world to climb upon it for a ride. There were also some birds talking in the distance and I sat listening to the evening drawing to a close.The day then slowly went as the sun slipped down beneath the stretched out sky and left behind little offerings of golden color. Then came the night and with it the moon and a blanket of perfect silver stars. Could an evening be any more perfect.....
Good night dear world....sleep well
I love watching the weather and nature as well. Like the way you have written about it.
I did see the skies
clearly thru your eyes
sparkling blanket of blue
perfectly pointed by you.
The sun slides down
leaving a hue of gold
inviting the night to twinkle
quite crisp and bold
With such a backdrop
so pleasant to tell
an evening so perfect
allows all to sleep well
Goodnight world
Your write tantelizes and massage the senses.
How beautiful Monae! :-)
Sandra xxxx
Sounds like a wonderful evening.
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