Tuesday, July 18, 2006

A Little Funny Note.....

Hello Dear World....

How are you ? First things first....Here in my neck of the woods its still quite hot. By the time this week is over the bottoms of my shoes will have melted from this heat.....Of course it was another day of work for me also. So have I ever told you where I work ? Well let me do so now.....I work at a courthouse. The name of the courthouse is the H.R. Banke Justice Center located in Jonesboro , G.A. Here is a link --------------> http://www.co.clayton.ga.us .

Anyway......At the moment I have a rather huge black eye and I'm sure you would like to know why. Well I was in a fight with a world class boxer and I won.....you should see him...ha,ha,ha,ha, ha, just kidding. Actually I was opening the door to a police car....No its not what you think. Actually I was going home with my father who happens to work in law enforcement and we rode home in one of the police cars because he had to go back to work. Anyway......We had stopped off somewhere to take care of some business. I was getting back into the police car when silly me......I wasn't watching how far the car door was open when I hit the right side of my eye on the police car door. I am keeping ice on my eye and hopefully I won't end up with a huge swelling tomorrow. I am thinking that I might stick with my fight story as an explanation for the black eye what you think ???? I'm sure someone at work will say something to me about my eye tomorrow.

Well that's enough about me....How are things in your neck of the woods ? Have you done anything silly lately that you might want to mention ? Am I alone for being accident prone ? I just had to share this with you. I would also like to ask if someone has any rain or snow they could send my way I would appreciate it highly being that this heat wave never seems to end. That's about all for now.......I'll talk to you again soon dear world.

I've gotta go......I'm off again like a dirty shirt.......Byyyyyye !!!!!!!!


Anonymous said...

Sorry, no in here to send you. Sorry to hear about your black eye but had to laugh at the story. I think you should stick with the fight story, it'll give you more street cred. B. x

Anonymous said...

...ouch...sorry to hear about your eye. At least it will be a wonderful opportunity to make up a wicked wild story about how you got it to your coworkers. Well...that's what I'd do...Heh! Many thanks for the shout out in your previous journal entry. Visitors are ALWAYS welcome.

...keep cool...Terry

Anonymous said...

Sorry about your eye. Hope it's better by tomorrow. Hopefully no one will think you were in a fight. LOL. Helem

Anonymous said...

Go with the fight story it's more exciting.  LOL.  Hope you feel better.  ~ Mike

Anonymous said...

Ouch on the eye!!!  Accidents can happen so easily and in the strangest places.  We need rain desperately. We are sizzling in a heatwave here, many places have water restrictions but there seems to be no end in site.  Going to be near 100 degrees for the next five days at least so they say.


Anonymous said...

Ouchie....could that be police brutality? LOL!!!  The meter reader just showed up for my elect reading and I think he passed out from the increase of my numbers.  Going to stick my head in the freezer now...........ta ta!