Tuesday, July 26, 2005

Space Shuttle Discovery

Good evening dear world.....Good news

The Space Shuttle Discovery blasted off successfully today at Kennedy Space Center earlier today. The astronauts on board are Eileen M. Collins - Mission Commander, James M. Kelly - Pilot, Charles J. Camarda - Mission Specialist, Wendy B. Lawrence - Mission Specialist, Soichi Noguchi - Mission Specialist representing the Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency, Stephen K. Robinson - Mission Specialist and Andrew S.W.Thomas - Mission Specialist.

Right now I am wondering how the earth looks from a space shuttle in outer space. I am not seeing what the astronauts are seeing so I wonder if where they are is as beautiful as I imagine it to be. Everything must look different up there.

I can look out at the night but I can't begin to imagine what the night looks like out there in outer space. I just wonder if the stars are different in space than they are in the night sky. I also wonder if space is blue like the night here in Georgia. Its hard to think about a place I have never experienced or shall ever experience.

Good night Space Shuttle Discovery..... Good night astronauts..... and Good night dear world..... Sleep well everyone

Monday, July 25, 2005

A Rather Sad Note....

Good evening dear world....

A very dear lady named Sylvia of the journal "Jottings From The Sticks" is going through some things at the present moment and so she wrote that she might be closing down her journal. I was one of those people who often dropped by her journal and gave it a read. It will be sad to know that she will no longer be keeping her journal at least for now I hope. I dropped by and sent her a little note to say that I appreciated her journal this evening after reading the news in her journal. Sylvia's journal was a very great thing in that I got to read about a very dear soul and now it might be time to say good bye to her.

Dear world before she closes her journal go by and give it a read and perhaps leave a few thoughts that might brighten her day. You might come to love her journal as I did. Her journal will surely be missed by me when she says good bye. She always did send me little lovely notes in my mail that I always appreciated more than she will ever know.

Here I will leave a link to her journal for you dear world....


I wish her well and I hope things turn out well for her as time goes by....She will be missed by many.....

We will miss you all Sylvia....take care

I send off this good night wish to you dear world with a heavy heart....

Good night dear world

Sunday, July 24, 2005

Favorite Things....

Good evening dear world....

Here I am again. I have come upon some fascinating journals which have kept me reading time and time again. One of these journals is titled "My Day, My Interests". This journal has a picture of a lovely and beautiful covered bridge. I have a book in my room which talks about different covered bridges in it. The book also offers different pictures of covered bridges. The link to this journal is as follows..... http://journals.aol.com/rap4143/MyDayMyInterests/


I have also come upon another journal titled "Through the Eyes of the Beholder". This journal offers many things also. This journal has some wonderful photos of the moon in the journal which I loved. I really like this journal for all that it offers. The link to this journal is..... 




Another journal I have come upon is titled "Chosen Words". This journal offers wonderful writing and poems that I have read more than once. There are photos in this journal that goes along with the poems as well. The writer of this journal is quite talented in my opinion. The link to this journal is....




These journals are just a few of my favorite things. I have become quite a reader of many journals and I find that I enjoy it more and more as I come upon writers and their journals.


Drop by for a visit and enjoy them as I have dear world.....Good night and sleep well



Saturday, July 23, 2005

Lost In Thought....

Good evening world....I don't know if you will understand what I'm thinking tonight but I am feeling a little.....out of it. Of all the different places I have gone to I have always wanted to see places like Paris,Italy and Prague just to name a few. I see these places on the travel channel and I long to see them for myself.Just listening to the people in Italy on the travel channel is something. I wish someone could stuff me into a suitcase and have me shipped there by Federal Express.

Later in the evening questions came popping into my mind.....these are two of them.....

1.) Do streams spill into the ocean ?


2.) Does the night give birth to stars ?

.....Maybe its the heat or volcanic eruptions ????


I found a journal that seemed rather interesting titled "A Shot In The Dark". Here is the link...... http://journals.aol.com/wildflower1764/AShotInTheDark/

here is a link by the same writer titled "Intimations"..... http://journals.aol.com/wildflower1764/Intimations/


Dear world...my mind is all jumbled tonight so don't worry if you don't understand these thoughts of mine. Am I weird or what ??

Good night world.....sleep well



Thursday, July 21, 2005

Just More Thoughts.....

Good evening here I am again in rainy Georgia....Good evening world.....

Well it has been extremely hot here and raining constantly as well. Pretty soon Georgia will have to decide to become an island with all of the rain we have gotten here. Pretty soon there won't be cars just boats.

On a different note there is a certain journal I would like you all to look at....Its called Sara's Days....its quite wonderful. The link is this.... http://journals.aol.co.uk/sarajanesmiles/SarasDays/

She was talking about not continuing her journal but she got some advice and is continuing. If I could ask I would like you dear world to give her journal a read. You will find it as wonderful as I do. I hope that you like it as much as I have come to like it. I also hope that she does continue writing.....She wouldn't mind a few more readers.....So drop on by and see what you think ok ?

There is another journal that I think you will find interesting....Its called Dave Cryer, Cave Dryer...Here is a link to the journal....


This journal has been updated with a few more interesting entries...Give this journal a read and see what you think of it as well......I would like to know what you think of it.......Enjoy 

Talk to you soon dear world.......

Monday, July 18, 2005

The Movie "Finding Neverland" Needs To Be Lost Forever....

Good evening world.....I woke up to a rather quiet morning. I looked out of a window of the house to see the sun also waking up while the rest of the world was sleeping. Nothing but me and the morning sun was stirring. A few words played in my head "Good morning sunshine, I have to tell you how clearly bright you are". It felt like I was the only one seeing the morning before anyone else.

It was an amazing morning....

On a different note I want to thank the many people who have come along to read my journal. My journal isn't as interesting as the many journals I have read but I hope that I give those of you who have come along something worth looking forward too. I want to thank all of you for your lovely comments and thoughts you have shared with me. I appreciate all of you.....

On a different note I have to say that I am usually a fan of Johnny Depp's but not when it comes to the movie "Finding Neverland". I have to say that I did NOT LIKE THE MOVIE AT ALL.....My mom had rented it at blockbuster and she said people were saying how great it was and how it was the movie to see. Johnny Depp must have been high on something when he made this movie. He must have taken in too much of the "Wonka Factory" at the time. Hopefully his next film will turn out great. As I sat watching  it I kept wanting to turn it off and call up blockbuster and ask them if my mom and I could return it for her money back. On a scale of 1-10 this movie for me was a "0". Need I say more ??? My mother agreed with me by the way....

For now sleep well dear world.....good night.

Sunday, July 17, 2005

Perfect Evening....

Dear world....The day is all but done and the sky melted to a warm blue color like the ocean on a warm night and the wind is cool. The trees were the color of perfect emeralds polished to a high shine. This evening came with a beauty that poets would write of. The clouds themselves resembled spun cotton on a warm day. The sky stretched itself out a mile long as if inviting the world to climb upon it for a ride. There were also some birds talking in the distance and I sat listening to the evening drawing to a close.The day then slowly went as  the sun slipped down beneath the stretched out sky and left behind little offerings of golden color. Then came the night and with it the moon and a blanket of perfect silver stars. Could an evening be any more perfect..... 

 Good night dear world....sleep well

Saturday, July 16, 2005

Baby Showers Are Dreadful.......

Hello world....Here I am again. Today my family and I went to a baby shower for someone who we have known for a while. Let me state this for a fact : Baby showers are dreadful. I do not like baby showers or baby shower games. The food was nice but the baby shower was not fun in the least. The games range from unscrambling particular words to baby food tasting to guessing the size of the woman's stomach with a piece of ribbon. The next time I will NOT go to a baby shower they are just not for me. I don't know who invented baby showers but the person was out of her mind or she was nuts at the time.The place we went to wasn't even air conditioned. I hope I don't get any more invitations for another baby shower anytime in the near future.

I hate baby showers !!!

other than the baby shower this was a nice Saturday. Good night world........Sleep well

Friday, July 15, 2005

Here Comes The Weekend......

Good evening world.....Another week come and gone. Today after I got off of work the sky opened up. It didn't just rain it came down like an ocean had fallen from the sky. I think the news channels will have to report the Pacific Ocean has having been relocated to Atlanta, Georgia. Then later on the rain left as if it had never come at all. The weather goes from one extreme to the other in a matter of seconds.

On a different note dear world I was reading some of my favorite journals and I am loving them as ever. I have two that I think you will enjoy so get ready for some wonderful reading....Drop by and become a fan of them as I have.


here is another....


these 2 journals are great and worth every visit....

Dear world let me know what you think of these journals will you. I would like to know your opinion on them when you give them a read. You will want to comment on them like I do constantly. I hope these writers don't mind me advertising I am such a fan that it can't be helped anyway.........You will like these journals so go ahead and give them a visit.....You won't regret it.

Tomorrow is the weekend so talk to you soon dear world....sleep well


Wednesday, July 13, 2005

This Night....

There is something about this night

that has awakened my soul

and led my fingers to write...


At this hour the moon rises up into the blue sky

and the stars string themselves into evening's blanket

and I let my dreams fly.......


This night is blue and deep

as I go to bed with the world

and I find myself falling fast asleep.



This Night....


Good night world 

Tuesday, July 12, 2005

Feeling Rather Funny....

Hello world....

After reading this you will wonder what in the world is she thinking but here I go.... Its been raining here in Georgia almost nonstop.....With all of the rain we're getting here in Georgia, Georgia is going to turn into one huge island and I'm either gonna have to grow ( 2 ) webbed feet or become a duck or a fish which ever comes first.

Pretty soon we are not going to own cars we will own boats. Can you imagine that ????

On a different note here are a few journals you might like....



I'm in a little bit of a funny mood today....good night dear world sleep tight....

Monday, July 11, 2005

My Trip....

Dear World....

Here I am again....I have returned from my trip. My parents and I went to a place called "Red Top Mountain". Here's an little historical fact from my trip....Red Top Mountain was once an important mining area for iron. The place was nice. The weather held up nicely for us the entire weekend. The lake there is called....Lake Allatoona or as I call it "The lake of a can of tuna". Lake Allatoona was quite beautiful. Red Top Mountain is located in Cartersville, Georgia.

While we were on my trip we went to a concert which showcased some bluegrass music which I have to say is music which should be called "Crying In Your Beer" kind of music. There was this little dock there which sat near a little cove right on the water. It was a nice little dock. You could sit and spend an entire day on the dock appreciating the water and the view of Lake Allatoona. We stayed at campsite #17 which didn't give much of a view. Once you venture out you see all kinds of wonderful postcard views and little spots you just have to stop off and see. I did do a little bit of shopping which took up quite a bit of time but it was worth it.

The thing I liked about Red Top Mountain apart from its sights was the fact that there were no mosquitos there which usually come with camping. At the lodge there is this restaurant and let me tell you the food was great.

All in all it was quite a nice trip for me and my parents. We had a great time and we enjoyed all that Red Top had to offer. It was like going to a foreign country because there were all kinds of things there that we had never seen before. I really have to say that camping is fun I have always enjoyed it. Its hard to describe it all because there was much more to see and do. We really couldn't do it all in a weekend so we tried to do as much as we could.

The best part of our trip though were the sunsets.....The sunsets there were amazing and you couldn't put them into words because they were that beautiful. Every single sunset was different from the one before.

What more could I say....

Good-night world...I just had to tell you a little of my trip because I thought you might like to know how I spent my weekend....

Here is a link to another journal you might enjoy....


become a fan as I have.....

All in all did you miss me dear world ???? 

Thursday, July 7, 2005

Exciting News

Hello world....I am doing much better thanks to the many people who have dropped by my journal and have given me all kinds of wonderful and friendly comments and support over the last few days.

On a different note I heard about what happened in London and I am still shocked about the news. I can't people that anyone could hurt so many people just like on September 11th. Another terrorist attack is not what I was expecting to hear on the news today. I heard that quite a few people were killed and others were left injured. It doesn't seem that President Bush cares about the people who were hurt in yet another horrible tragedy. I'm sure the people in London who were in the middle of it all are still quite shocked and upset. I'm also sure that the people who lost loved ones and those with loved ones who were injured will never be the same. How anyone can do such a thing leaves me feeling sad and wondering how a human being can inflict so much pain upon another human being. I wonder if there will ever come a time when things like this won't happen ??

Here's the exciting part - 

I will be going on a car trip with my parents this weekend. My parents are taking me away for the weekend. My nieces will be with their mother this weekend. I leave tomorrow morning with my parents. Usually my nieces are with us on trips that we go on but this weekend it will be just the three of us. I am excited about this trip I can't wait until tomorrow morning. I don't know what I'm going to see or do yet but this trip will be something to look forward to. I hope that the rain decides not to show up until Monday I won't even mind if it is hot on this trip. I'm going to try and do some fun stuff while I'm away.

Here's something for you to check out :




Will you miss me dear world ?? Until then I will talk to you when Iget back. For now sleep well...and of course sweet dreams

Wednesday, July 6, 2005


Hello world....Today you will be happy to know that I am doing much better. I feel much much better.

On a different note today there were reports of Tornados in the Atlanta area. Well tornados and I don't go together. Earlier the sky quickly opened up and it rained like ( 5 ) oceans all rolled up into one and I'm not exaggerating.

Would you like to hear something funny ??? Well new flavors were debuted Friday at 20 Metro locations of an ice cream shop known as Cold Stone Creamery including one called Newman's branch on Decatur Square. Don't think I'm nuts but let me give you some examples of the new flavors: Lobster, Blue Cheese, Wasabi - Ginger, Tequila - Dijon and also Corn. Would you want to try that on an ice cream cone ?? Chefs are coming up with edgy flavors to appeal to their customers. How about Olive and Chocolate ??? Even Breakfast Cereal ??? A Chef named Joel will be adding something new to the menu something not sweet - a strange flavor of smoke, of meat, of breakfast, BACON....yes you heard me "BACON ICE CREAM" isn't that something ???

Dear world let me know what you think about that ??? Is this a good thing or is this a little out of the unusual....I don't know if I would try any of these flavors. Would you....

Good night world...sleep well

Tuesday, July 5, 2005

Not Feeling Too Good

Good evening world....Today I am still not feeling too good. Lately I haven't been feeling myself. I am a little bit on the down side. I may not be 100% for a couple of days. This is not one of my better weeks. I may not be able to come to you dear world for a while at least until I am doing a little bit better. Some days I just get a little sad. Being a sufferer of depression some days are not so good for me. I am trying to get better but it might take some time to get back to being 100% again.

.....I know that my writing isn't so good right now for which I am sorry. Once I am back to feeling better I will be back with some new entries. I hope that the readers of my journal will understand and continue reading my journal. I am working on getting better so I shall return to myself once more.

Right now I am.....UNDER THE WEATHER

for now good night dear world sleep well....I just hope that you are doing better than I am. Sweet Dreams everyone !!!!

I have a favor to ask could anyone drop by and give a journal a read for me....You will see what I mean...This person says they want to cut off contact with the world....I think this journaller needs a few fans...


Tell me what you think please....I need to know what you think dear world...Thanks.


Monday, July 4, 2005


Good evening world...

I'm not really feeling good tonight....My family did fireworks and in our neck of the woods was the sound of fireworks. To the readers of my journal I want to tell you something else about me. I have been someone who lives with Depression. I suffer from depression some days are better than others. Tonight I'm not doing so good. I might feel better tomorrow but I just don't know.

Other than that I hope that everyone had a wonderful 4th of July!!! Its getting rather late

Good night world....

Sunday, July 3, 2005

4th Of July....

Hello world....Happy 4th of July !!!! Well I have some wonderful news the fireworks are now legal here in Georgia. Let me tell you there's all kinds of sounds...popping,cracking,explosions and whirls of color all over the night sky.Here in my neck of the woods the celebrating has been nonstop. I can hear them even now outside of my window. It was a nice day here for me and my family. The weather was pretty great not too hot and it wasn't at all sweltering for a change. I spent the entire day with my family and I had a blast today. My family and I did buy some more packs of fireworks for the 4th of July so we will be celebrating in style like the rest of the world. There is nothing better than a cook out and fireworks is there ??

You might want to check out Jeannette's Jottings because she is taking comments on a journal which said blogs are boring which she and I agree is wrong....the link to this journal is..... http://journals.aol.com/journalseditor/magicsmoke

The guy's name is Joe and he commented that blogs are boring. I feel that people put their hearts and souls into their blogs. This guy should not have commented when he has not read every blog written. There is tremendous amounts of people who put their heartfelt thoughts into their writing even when battling severe health problems or just when they feel like writing about their lives and when they feel like writing about their every day goings on.So for a few minutes simply drop by Jeannette's Jottings and give your comments on whether you agree or not. Her blog is not at all boring as you will find....Thanks

Check out her journal at http://journals.aol.com.uk/jeanno43/Family/ 

you will like her journal and feel free to leave your comments on whether blogs are boring or not...I would like to know what you think.

Have a wonderful 4th of July dear world...sleep well. 

P.S. Check out ------- http://www.live8list.com you might just want to sign the petition there and add your voice or just drop by and see what its all about.


Saturday, July 2, 2005

Wonderful Saturday....

Hello world....This was a very wonderful Saturday. The weather was nice and the wind was cool. I hung out with my family which was fun. We spent the day outside doing the family thing.

On a different note later on in the day I saw a program on television called "Rivers and Tides" about an artist named Andy Goldsworthy. It also showed him doing some of his artwork. For a little background Mr. Goldsworthy makes "land" or "earth" out of natural elements....stacks of rocks, mud thrown into rivers. He stitches together leaves to form lines often placed in water, or entwines twigs in a arc, he creates a delicate spiral of chestnut leaves, he makes long,wavy ridges in Arizonian desert sand. He makes beautiful art but the sad part is it is often short-lived. His art is amazing. When he speaks his words are filled with poetry just like his art.

On a completely different note there is a journal that I think needs a few fans....  http://journals.aol.com/journalseditor/magicsmoke

The guy who writes that journal is named Joe. In one of his entries he says that blogs are boring. I think he is wrong. I have read some very great blogs by many different people. Let me name a few.....Jeannette's Jottings, View From A Farm House Window, One-Way Passage and La Dolce Vita  just to name some of them. I think that everyone should check out his writing and show him that blogs are not as boring as he says they are. He needs a few fans right now. Drop by and give him your thoughts.....

On a better note all kinds of radio stations were playing the songs of Luther Vandross. I still can't believe he's gone. I loved his music. I never got to see him in concert I wish I had. It was nice to hear his songs on the radio. I recently bought one of his CD's titled "Dance With My Father". His CD was beautiful I must say.

Here's some other news - The 4th of July is approaching fast. I bought some fireworks at the grocery store so my family and I will be celebrating with the rest of the world in style. He have quite a few packages of fireworks that will light up the night sky that's when we choose to make some art of our own. I hope everyone will enjoy the day as I will.

I am hoping that everyone has a great weekend !!! Take care dear world...until next time....sleep well

Happy 4th of July !!!

P.S. Check out these fabulous journals....





these journals will be an enjoyment to read....drop by and see for yourself.....

Friday, July 1, 2005

Everyone I love the journal "One-Way Passage"

Hello world....Happy 4th of July. I am doing well but Georgia is boiling over from a week of beyond sweltering heat. I am also sad to report that one of my favorites of singers died today. Luther Vandross died at John F.Kennedy Medical Center in Edison, New Jersey. I was always a fan of his. I like Luther's music still to this day. He was 54 years old.

On a different note I was reading the journal "One-Way Passage". I have to say that his journal touches me. His writing keeps me coming back for more. I can't wait to read his journal again. There needs to be a One-Way Passge fan club. He also writes that his blog is a thankless one and I disagree with that. I like his writing....The journal "One-Way Passage" should be read time and time again.  Reading the journal is like reading a book that becomes your favorite, you can't help reading it, closing it and reading it again and again and...and....and. Need I say more ??
