Monday, May 30, 2005

Unable To Sleep

Its kind of late and yet here I am again...I was in my room and yet I was unable to sleep. I don't know why but I couldn't seem to close my eyes. Usually I find it easy to fall asleep but tonight I just can't seem to at all. I just finished watching Jay Leno, before that I read a few pages in a book, I also saw some of "The West Wing" marathon now I just can't fall asleep. Everyone else is asleep and the entire house is still and quiet. Its really late in the evening and probably everyone else in the world is in bed and most likely, sleeping. I don't doubt that other people in other parts of the world are in their beds and already sleeping. Its just that tomorrow starts another week at work and I can't seem to close my eyes for the night. I don't think anyone else in the world is up at this time of night but me. Even now I don't feel the least bit tired. Maybe I'll just get into bed and wait for my eyes to close...good-night world but I'm sure your already sleeping


Anonymous said...

Sorry you could not sleep, I get nights like that.  But do not forget time zones.  You are probably still asleep in bed now that I am up and in Australia it is already late evening right now.

Anonymous said...

I know what you mean, I was still up at 4am last night/this morning!
Some nights it's difficult to get to sleep, though usually, like you, I fall asleep easily.  Hope you got to sleep eventually :o)
Sara   x

Anonymous said...

I really hate it when I just can`t sleep. Sometimes the harder you try the harder it gets. I hope by the time you read this that you had a good nights sleep! :-)

Sandra xxx

Anonymous said...

Yes I too have trouble sleeping at night sometimes... my bouts of insomnia usually occur when "it's that time of the month", if you know what I mean.  Hence, why I am up at 5:30 am Pacific Standard Time in Las Vegas, Nevada reading your journals... which I'm addicted to by the way, because a huge part of me wants to know if you find yourself a GOOD boyfriend between this entry and the present.  And NO, not a "good for now" boyfriend, but a genuinely Good one!