Hello again. As you might have noticed I'm still awake at a late hour again. I thought I would check on a few things before I went to bed and I've ended up being awake at another late hour. After midnight there's nothing to watch on t.v. really I'm just checking up on a few things. I don't know but this is another night that I can't seem to fall asleep like I normally do. I'm tired but I can't get to sleep. Maybe I should just get to bed and close my eyes for the night. Once more good-night world sweet dreams...
Tuesday, May 31, 2005
Another Day
Hi ! Here I am again. Well I did fall asleep eventually. Its back to work for me. We will be quite busy at work because we have something going on at work so we have quite a lot of work to do. The weekend will be here again. Here in my neck of the woods we have had some messy weather...rain and more rain and more rain. Pretty soon Summertime will be here and warm weather will arrive with it.
On a totally different note I have to say that I have been wanting to get out to the theatre to see some new movies coming out such as "Kingdom of Heaven", "Crash", "Finding Neverland" and a few others. I really want to go to the theatre but I just never make plans to go. I have to start making plans to go so I can make a day of it. Maybe I should ask someone if they would like to go. I'm not really good at making plans I never am...ever. It would just be really nice to go on a weekend but then I always wait and I never go.
On a different subject tonight I will have to get into bed and stay there and not get up. I didn't go to sleep until it was after 1p.m. falling asleep late is never a good idea. I just couldn't fall asleep last night. I just hope tonight will be different.
P.S. A lot of people have come along and read my journal and so I wanted to say thanks to all of the people who have offered their kind words and comments. I appreciate all of those who take the time to read the little bits of my life. I will try to come up with a little bit more stuff in the future. Thanks to all of my readers I appreciate all that you have told me in your comments and thoughts. Good night world sleep well...sweet dreams
Monday, May 30, 2005
Unable To Sleep
Its kind of late and yet here I am again...I was in my room and yet I was unable to sleep. I don't know why but I couldn't seem to close my eyes. Usually I find it easy to fall asleep but tonight I just can't seem to at all. I just finished watching Jay Leno, before that I read a few pages in a book, I also saw some of "The West Wing" marathon now I just can't fall asleep. Everyone else is asleep and the entire house is still and quiet. Its really late in the evening and probably everyone else in the world is in bed and most likely, sleeping. I don't doubt that other people in other parts of the world are in their beds and already sleeping. Its just that tomorrow starts another week at work and I can't seem to close my eyes for the night. I don't think anyone else in the world is up at this time of night but me. Even now I don't feel the least bit tired. Maybe I'll just get into bed and wait for my eyes to close...good-night world but I'm sure your already sleeping
Memorial Day
Hi ! Here I am again. Well today is Memorial Day. It must be hard for those who have loved ones in Iraq and especially for those who have lost loved ones in Iraq. I have been watching the news and reading the newspaper about all the things going on over there. I know that things are still going on over there and that our troops are still fighting for their lives in a horrible time of war. I don't know any of the soldiers personally but I hope they are all well. I also hope that the soldiers will be able to come home for good some day soon. September 11th changed the world in a huge way. Many lives have been lost. I am hoping that things get better in Iraq so that the soldiers are able to return to their families and loved ones awaiting their safe return.
On a different note I was just watching the Memorial Day marathon of "The West Wing" I like the show. I only watch the reruns. Some new people came to the show and since then I stopped the new airings of the show.
Here is another note - I am waiting for Bo Bice to come out with his 1st CD. I can't wait to go out and buy his CD. I liked his voice and his singing on American Idol. I also think that he is a great looking man. I will buy every one of this CD's because I love,love,love,love,love,love his voice. I could listen to him all night long. I am a huge, huge,huge,huge fan of Bo Bice. I voted for him all through the show. I haven't been able to find any posters of Bo Bice in the stores. I just have to say that I wouldn't mind having a picture of him hanging on my bedroom wall and hearing his voice in my CD player. Am I weird or what ??????
Sunday, May 29, 2005
Saturday's Edition
Greetings from the South !!! Today my family and I went to a friends house for a bar-b-que. Going to someone else's house is like going to a foreign country. What I mean by that is - you see things you have never seen before and you meet people you have never met before. The sad part is, is that it rained and it got cold so we had to leave the bar-b-que kind of early. There were no single people there my age everyone in attendance was married but the food was good and the dessert wasn't bad either. All in all it was good. Here in the South we had some pretty great days of good weather so I guess it was time for a little rain. Pretty soon Summer will arrive and it will be pretty warm. Summertime is good for picnics, going for walks in the park, going to the theatre to see a movie or putting out a swimming pool like I did for my nieces which as all kids will agree is always a good idea. As for me I'm doing fine and this nagging cough that I've had from a cold I had a few weeks ago is starting to leave me day by day with the medicine I'm taking thank goodness. It seemed like I would have the cough forever but I don't cough as much so that's another good thing.
On a different note I've been reading other people's diaries and journals and I have found a lot of them quite fascinating. Jeannette's Jottings is quite a wonderful journal to read. I like her journal a lot. Her journal is a lot more interesting than mine I must say and she is quite a writer in my opinion. I would suggest giving her journal a read anytime. I can say that I definitely like her journal. I just hope that more people find something to enjoy in reading mine I really don't know...until then....Ciao
Saturday, May 28, 2005
News for Saturday
Hello again ! This afternoon I did a little yard work for the upcoming holiday also known as Memorial Day. I also had to fill 2 swimming pools though one of them had to be drained because it was a little large for the ground deck. Now I can really imagine what it must be like to fill the whale tank at Sea World if it had to be done with a small water hose.
On another note I have to say that I'm a little bad at knowing the names of yard tools. I'm not good at knowing if I'm using the right tools or not. I can't say that I'm an expert when it comes to shopping at Home Depot.
Just think what if the ocean had to be maintained with the use of a ordinary water hose wouldn't that turn out to be some job in itself....then again I could be wrong.
On a different note I HATE, HATE, HATE, HATE mosquitoes or as I like to think of them...mini blood sucking vampires...I get bitten everytime even when I've used a ton of bug spray. I wonder if I'm the only one that feels that way ?????
Friday, May 27, 2005
Just Another Entry
Hi ! Today the weather was extremely warm but still splendid. I will be off of work Monday for the upcoming holiday so I have a long weekend ahead of me which I am happy to report. I am in the best of health except for a constant, nagging cough from a cold I had a few weeks ago. I am taking medicine for me but it still lingers. Other than a nagging cough I am doing well.
Something happened in the heart of Buckhead. A man decided to climb a crane apparently he is a murder suspect. He has refused water and food which has been offered to him. He is still on a crane which is causing traffic problems for many people. He has been on the crane for ( 3 ) days now. I wonder how long he will stay up on this crane another few days, weeks, months, years, decades ? The police have been blowing a horn to keep him awake. How long will this continue I wonder ? There has to be someone who can talk him down I just don't know. The guy says he wants to kill himself but he hasn't of yet. One day this man woke up and decided to climb a crane I wonder if he will come down anytime soon. Can this man be in the right state of mind to know what he's doing.......I'm curious to know if he may be suffering from any mental problems. Maybe he's just looking for his own 15 minutes of fame....You never know.....
On a another note Memorial Day is coming up. I wonder how other people celebrate the holiday...
Thursday, May 26, 2005
A Splendid Day
Hi ! Here I am again yes here I am. The weather was great today it feels like Summer is here. Its still supposed to be Spring here. Its been in the 80's here in the South but today was WONDERFUL to say the least.
Let me report the following : In Sandy Springs, Ga Fulton County Police reported that culprits made off with a trio of 5 foot turtle statues, yes turtle statues. The statues were stolen early Tuesday morning. One of the shells was found Wednesday afternoon, but the other two are still missing and the perpetrators have as yet not been apprehended. The statues weigh 50 pounds. The statues are named "Sunshine", "Toile The Turtle" and the other "Bottishelli". The turtles are part of the Town Turtle Effort, sponsored by the Sandy Springs Society. Businesses purchased the turtles for $5,000. One of the turtles named "Titan" was vandalized but not stolen. The thing that gets me is that Sandy Springs has an actual Turtle Tip Line. Who could be calling a Turtle Tip Line ???? That is beyond my comprehension. I wonder what the reason was behind the crime....I don't know. All in all it was a splendid day.
Wednesday, May 25, 2005
Nothing Special
Well I'm not going to say hello or anything like that except to say that the sky might as well have fallen - The news on American Idol left me quite.....sad,sad,sad. I'm not going to repeat the news because I don't want to repeat the news. I'm shocked at the outcome of it all how could this happen ?????
On a different note Summer has arrived in my neck of the woods and suffice it to say it might as well be 110 degrees with all the warm weather here in my neck of the woods. This is not exactly my favorite night to say the least. That's all I have to say yes that's all....
Monday, May 23, 2005
Monday's News
Hi ! Well here I am again.... I heard that tonight the "Full Flower Moon" rises. I never imagined that the moon was known as the full flower moon. I had never heard that. Well it was extremely warm here in my neck of the woods otherwise known as "The South". It must have been 100 degrees outside by my opinion. I could have bought stock in the bottled water industry with all the bottled water I drank today mostly Dasani. I could be a spokesperson for Dasani after all I drank. My body is probably 100% water by now,that's an attempt at humor. I heard that its possible to suffer from hear exhaustion I can certainly understand that.
Shows on television are having their season finales now I won't have anything to watch on t.v. this is not good. I have some books I haven't read but there's nothing to see on t.v. Now I'll just have to fill up on a few of my favorite romance novels I won't complain about that. Besides reading what will I do with myself ????
Sunday, May 22, 2005
Notes for Today
Hi ! Today I bought a CD by Keith Urban and I listened to it and I thought it was great. There's one song in particular titled "You'll Think of Me" which I really liked. I also have a CD by Remy Shand. My favorite song by Remy is "Take A Message" its a great song to listen to.The kinds of music I used to like are changing one day its John Mayer the next its Keith Urban to Remy Shand.
On a different note I slept in late this weekend, did some shopping and listened to some CD's. I love weekends. I say long live Saturdays and Sundays. Weekends are always nice in my opinion. That's all for now....
Saturday, May 21, 2005
A Few Notes
Hi ! Its me again. A few people might not know this about me but I do like music. One of my favorite singers is John Mayer. I really like the song "Your Body Is A Wonderland". I like his voice and how he sings his songs. Of course it doesn't hurt that he's a very nice looking young man that goes without saying. John Mayer is very talented as a singer.
Recently I heard a song on the radio titled "You'll Think of Me" which was sung by Keith Urban. I would like to hear the song again and to get his CD. I really liked the song I had never heard it before until it came on the radio. I have only heard it once.
I used to like Monica and Janet Jackson but my music tastes are changing. I am getting into Eminem after hearing the song "Mockingbird". I also like Floetry and Avril Lavigne. I am waiting anxiously for Bo Bice to come out with a CD soon. I can't wait to hear his music. So far of what I have heard on American Idol is wonderful. Bo sings his heart out on stage. I also fell in love with the music of Ruben Studdard after hearing him on American Idol. Music is different for everyone I guess. Everyone doesn't like the same music that I do but that's just fine by me. People have to choose who they like. I just like music though you will NEVER see me on American Idol I'm NO singer. The world will be more than happy NEVER to hear my voice. At this moment the world is probably taking a huge sigh of relief in hearing that. Am I funny or what ? I'm kidding.......lol,lol,lol
Thursday, May 19, 2005
Interesting Find
Hello again. Recently I read in the newspaper that a mysterious musician washed ashore in Britain last month.The mysterious musician was found sodden with seawater and dressed in a dinner suit, on an island off southeast England nearly six weeks ago, the mysterious, sad-faced man has spoken not a single word. No one knows his name or his nationality. All anyone can say is that he plays the piano very well, with a repertoire that ranges from Tchaikovsky to the Beatles to his own compositions.
The case has riveted the British public. Hundreds of tips flowed into the national missing person hotline but none panned out. Until his identity is established "the piano man" also known as Mr. X, remains locked in a mental hospital - withdrawn, fearful and clutching his sheet music to his chest.
British newspapers have variously reported that the piano man was found April 7 or 8 on the isle of Sheppey, a small, quiet island and sailing resort near the mouth of the River Thames. The man cries sometimes and smiles now and then but never speaks. He has written pieces of music, which he holds close to his body and will not let anyone see.
In the meantime, hospital staff members are denying the mystery man access to the piano, at least for the moment, in an effort to make him speak.
In reading the newspaper I cut out the clipping because it intrigued me I wonder who this young man is and where it is he came from. I wonder what his name is and if he will ever remember where he came from. Perhaps one of our most famous composers like Mozart or Chopin might be alive and well within the walls of the mental hospital. Until his identity is made I wonder if he might just be one of our most famous of composers lost and unable to remember anything of his life. Maybe we will never know perhaps someone will come forward with the clue to this young man. Maybe someone doesn't want his identity known. This might turn out to be quite a story indeed.
Wednesday, May 18, 2005
American Idol Thoughts
Hi ! Well the announcement was made on American Idol tonight by Ryan that the competition is now between Bo and Carrie. I am one huge fan of Bo Bice I must admit. I did vote for Bo Bice I am sure that I am one of about 100,000 people that called in for Bice. Bo has an amazing voice next to Ruben Studdard that is. I have to say that Bo is also a great looking man to look at. Last night he sang his heart out on stage so its no wonder that the final competition is between Bo and Carrie. I know that next week's show will be just as great as last night's show. I am waiting for Bo to come out with a CD which will probably be sold out by the time that I hit the store to buy it. I am hoping that Bice will turn out to be the next American Idol. Bo has the total package of what it takes to be the American Idol which is "the voice" and "the looks". I'm sure women all over the world have fallen for Bo like I have. I could listen to Bo sing all night long. I only wish that I could have voted for Bo a million times over. To me Bo needs to hurry and come out with 20 CD's for people such as myself who happen to love hearing his voice.Bo is the only reason that I kept watching. There is no real competition Bo is now and forever the......American Idol. Of course who would disagree with that ???
Sunday, May 15, 2005
Back To Normal
Hi ! Its been a while since I have written mainly because I have been under the weather with a bad cold. I am happy to report that I am doing better thank goodness for that. Well here I am once more. I have a few things to share.....
Ten random things about me...
1. I am 29 years old
2. I am single
3. I love anything chocolate ( except if its a bug dipped in chocolate or liver dipped in chocolate )
4. I love books
5. I love Saturdays
6. I like poetry
7. I like butterflies
8. I like old movies
9. I like the color blue
10. I like writing
Just thought someone would like to know.
Tuesday, May 10, 2005
Little News
Hello here I am again. If any woman has seen American Idol you will agree with what I am about to say - Bo Bice look great tonight and he is the best singer. He is the next American Idol without a doubt. Tonight Bo Bice did another wonderful performance. I voted for him after watching him on the show. Bo Bice could wear a greasy t-shirt and jeans and still do an awesome performance. I am hoping that Bo comes out with a CD pretty soon. Am I the only one that feels this way ?
On a different note I have found that there are some pretty interesting shows such as "Blind Justice"and "Law and Order". There is a new show coming to Fox called "Prison Break". I can't wait to see that. The previews of it look pretty good.
I wonder if Vin Diesel will do any more movies like "XXX" or "The Fast and The Furious" ? I would like to see him in more movies like that. Ice Cube is a great actor but he is NO Vin Diesel. Vin Diesel wins in the acting department as well as his looks. There is no guy as great looking as Vin Diesel or can act like he does. I wouldn't mind seeing him in a love story now there's a movie I would spend money on. Need I say more ????
Thursday, May 5, 2005
Nothing New
Wednesday, May 4, 2005
Hi ! Hello world how are you ? Well let me start off by saying that Bo Bice is my favorite singer on American Idol. I am a huge, huge, huge, huge, huge, huge, huge, huge, huge fan of Bo Bice. Did I mention huge ? I think that Bo Bice is a wonderful singer and performer. I can't wait until he comes out with his own CD. I can't hardly wait until I hear his first CD. I think that there is nothing greater than seeing him sing.
On a different note I am still single which is nothing new of course. I am in the middle of being 29 which is nothing huge. I have read the journals of other people and I have found that the journals of other people are much more interesting than mine. Work on the other hand is keeping me busy. I work around a lot of guys where I work but none of them are the least bit interested in me. I still look at them without making it obvious so its no big deal. It would be nice to have one of them like me just a little...it doesn't hurt to be a little bit hopeful of course. The thing is I am a little shy in many, many ways which can be good and bad but that's me. I guess by now dear world that you can tell that already. Am I weird or what ?????