Thursday, March 26, 2009

Spring, Twilight, Confessions....

Hello everyone !!!!!!!

Well its me again and here I am. I am going to do a little bit of an entry like that of my friend Jon of Lone Star Concerto sorry Jon.

Anywho....I can't say that I am fearless a lot of things frighten me let's see : sharks, spiders, walking into a spider web, bears, jellyfish and talking to guys face to face. I won't get into any kind of politics because no one will want to read this.

So Spring is definitely definitely here in Atlanta, Georgia along with the yellow icky sneezy stuffed up nose, coughing, aching you can't hardly sleep at night pollen. I hate the pollen for obvious reasons. I do like the flowers blooming and all but the pollen is absolutely dreadful and I mean dreadful. I can't stand the pollen being everywhere and on the bottom of my shoes and on cars and on the ground and on cars and on my clothes. You get the point.

On the other subject I am wanting to see the movie "Twilight" which I have NOT seen as yet. I am hoping that I will be able to buy the movie pretty soon. I would like to know if anyone has NOT seen it yet besides me. I can't wait the see the movie from start to finish and I am hoping that it will be as good as I have heard.

Confession wise I am looking forward to my camping trip in April to Florida which I am sure will be fun. I can't wait to get back on the road with my folks and my niece's and enjoy our trip. I haven't been camping in quite a while so hopefully there will be lots of things to see and do and hopefully lots of nice weather.

Last but not least I have to say that my job is getting to be a royal pain royally. Our supplies are having to be down since we have heard that the budget is a mess and there is no money for our supplies as much. I don't know if its this economy or if the money is being spent unwisely and going into someone's pocket. We will also have a mandatory meeting at work on Monday and there will be some discussion which probably won't be fun.

So what's the point of all this ??? Where am I taking you all ? Well obviously I am afraid of certain things, The weather is wonderful except the pollen, for obvious reasons, I can't wait to see the movie "Twilight" and my job is a royal pain at the moment and I can't wait to go camping in Florida and I wanted to share my thoughts with you.

I do have to say that I appreciate all of the comments I receive from all of you who visit. I appreciate the input and getting to know people that I have met from blogging and what have you. I appreciate all of the kindness you all have shared with me and I hope to continue to get to know more and more about all of you who visit me here.

Once again I have spoken a little too much and I can't wait to see who will find something interesting in what I have shared. Take care everyone.

Jon, I hope you don't mind that I took some inspiration from your entry and no you need to share more and we need to hear more and more and more and more from you. Keep us posted Jon !!!!!!!! You can find his blog here ------> .


Sybil said...

Good Morning Monae, You sure have written a lot in latest journal. I think we all have things we fear..I just do not like RATS, the very name makes me shudder...There are not many other things that I really detest, at least not that I can think if at the moment..Much more things that I just this lovely sunny morning alhough I think it will be quite cold out as there is still a notherly wind...Hope all goes well at work on Monday and that no redundancies are on the agenda.
Much Love Sybil xx

LYN said...


Sybil said...

Monae, I have onloy found out how to add a photograph of wee me...Hope it arrives ok !
Love Sybil x

Amanda said...

(((((((((((((MONAE)))))))))))))Hi there,its not easy me,keeping up with all theeses Blogs,but should be more easyer,since,I cleaned out my favorite places.Anyways,I am scared of alot of things to,well,than again,I hate bees,they come in from my Bedroom bathroom,somehow they get in,but,I hate em all together.I am afarid to be alone by myself at night time.