Sunday, November 20, 2005

My Day........

Hello Dear World.......

How was my day you might ask ? Well as you can tell it was great. Actually I had a normal day. All of the Thanksgiving grocery shopping is officially done. Me and my mom headed out to Kroger and got everything there is to get for the holiday. We bought Cranberry sauce, stuffing mix, gravy,eggs and the biggest turkey you could ever imagine. How big is the turkey you might be wondering........well you might say the size of a small child. We also purchased egg nog, vegetables, whipped cream and much much more.

Want to hear how much the bill came up to..........If your guessing $50.00 well guess higher.....$100.00 not even close. We spent the total of an amount that hit over $200.00 too high you might say. Well we spent half the day in the store going through every aisle picking up things we have never tried before and stuck the items in the cart. We had a blast and the store was filled with people. I just picked up things that I saw and thought I would like and placed them in the basket. Me and my mom joked around and played like we were big spenders. I'm sure by the end of Thanksgiving we will have more leftovers than we could ever imagine but it will be great.

Could there be anything more normal than grocery shopping? By the way have you finished any of your holiday shopping ? and can I ask you about what is the one thing you like most about the holidays dear world ? If you also mind me asking do you happen to also celebrate Thanksgiving ? Or are you already thinking about Christmas ? By the way have you also done any shopping for Christmas ? Last but not least I'm wondering what will you be doing for the holidays ?

All in all I would just like to say to you dear world.........HAPPY THANKSGIVING FROM MY FAMILY TO YOURS !!!!!!!!!

Good night and HAPPY HOLIDAYS !!!!!!!!! 


Anonymous said...

Ya I can only imagine how much my food bill will be...I am cooking for 14 people...ick.  I have already done my xmas shopping for the most part, but I won't get to shop for the thanksgiving food till I get to my mom's back in my hometown.  I personally really like all the time I get off for xmas time.  I don't know what I will be doing for xmas yet, but for thanksgiving my mom's family and my mom and brother and I will be at her house since my dad is out of town so I only have to do one house this year since my bf's family is doing something at the same time as mine.  

Anonymous said...

Well I suppose I am thinking about Christmas. Here in England we don`t celebrate Thanksgiving so everything is geared up for 25th December.  All the shops have their decorations up already, a bit too early I think and it gets earlier every year!

Sandra xxxx

Anonymous said...

Sounds like you had a good time shopping. I usually hate it, but this year I actually enjoyed hunting for my turkey (in a store, of course). The only bad part about it is spending all that money!!!!    Jon

Anonymous said...

Happy Thanksgiving, Southernmush!!

Enjoy every momeent! love, meg