Thursday, November 24, 2005

Happy Thanksgiving

Happy Thanksgiving Dear World........

I have something new to share.........My Thanksgiving was a wonderful one. I actually cooked my first Thanksgiving dinner. My turkey came out perfectly and well cooked. I also made a dish of pasta with garlic and olive oil, stuffing with celery, parsley and bread crumbs. On one side of my stuffing was made without oysters since I don't like oysters and the other side was made with oysters which my parents like. Last but not least I made a pan of really rich fudge which came out creamy and melt in your mouth. Once our Thanksgiving dinner was on the table me, my parents and my two nieces sat down and we had a really memorable Thanksgiving that could only be described in one word.........perfect. I actually cooked but the thing is I still can't believe it myself.

On the same note I hope you my dear world had a wonderful Thanksgiving . Did everyone have as great a Thanksgiving as I had ? By the way what did you like most about your Thanksgiving ?

All in all I just wanted to wish a "HAPPY THANKSGIVING" to you dear world and a very nice holiday.......

Good night dear world and of course sweet dreams everyone..........take care


Anonymous said...

Congratulations on cooking your first Thanksgiving dinner.  The first one I cooked about in 1965 was good except one thing....  I didn't realize there was the bag of gibblets inside the turkey and I baked it with those still in there.  After several hours there was this weird smell in the house and it was the paper bag that held the gibblets.  Anyway, the turkey meat was fine it was the bag of gibblets that were icky. The hardest thing is getting everything done at the same time, other than that is easy.  I'm glad your Thanksgiving was a good one.

Anonymous said...

I forgot the link to my journal, sorry about that.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I had to work until 4pm on Thanksgiving Day, but came home to a wonderful feast my wife prepared for us.  It was a great meal and a good time together with her sister, my stepson and his wife and my grandson.  I, of course, ate too much, LOL!  Your first Thanksgiving meal that you cooked sounds delicious and I'm glad it was a success!  Congratulations!

Anonymous said...

Sounds wonderful! We had a great time too.

Anonymous said...

Glad you had a good one...mine wasn't very good, but that is ok for there is always next year.  :)

Anonymous said...

I agree with you about Tom Selleck's performance in Stone Cold.  It was a TV movie so he can't get an Academy Award for it.....but he deserves at  the very least, an Emmy, and a few other awards, just for his longevity in show business.  I think he's a marvelous, underrated actor, but since he hit the gene-pool jackpot in the looks department, I think it holds him back. I enjoyed reading your blog and Happy Holidays!