Wednesday, August 3, 2005

Something About Me......

Good evening world.....

I'm going to name a few people and then I will ask you what these people have in common :

Billy the Kid, Matt Dillon, Robert de Niro, Helen Keller, Thomas Jefferson, John D. Rockefeller, Ludwig van Beethoven, John F. Kennedy Jr. , Buzz Aldrin, Michelangelo, Leonardo da Vinci, Albert Einstein, Benjamin Franklin, Cary Grant, Paul McCartney, Marilyn Monroe and Keanu Reeves.

All of these people have one thing in common.....

Can you tell.....

Are you curious.....

Do you want to know......

Have you figured it out....

Do you think you know ???


The answer has to do with finding out something about me. I will keep you guessing......

Here is something that might help you out.....

August 13 is an official day for people who are..........what ??


Good night dear world....





Anonymous said...

Could it be your Birthday?  Could it be that these people and yourself are all Leo?

Anonymous said...

I, as usual, have no idea! :-)

Sandra xxx

Anonymous said...

Hi trying to work this puzzle out . Have read the previous entry.have never been to the States but it sounds  like the type of place I would love as I do a lot of birdwatching.   Used of camp a lot when I was young and used to love away from it all. love Joan.

Anonymous said...

uhhhhh, you all adhere strictly to the "no white shoes before Memorial Day or after Labor Day rule?"  Am I close?  No?  Actually know the difference between a fish fork and a salad fork?  Can name all the State Capitols in alphabetical order?  Ok, I give up!  Tell tell!!!!

Anonymous said...

Hi I found you at Squiggles and Giggles........but I want to guess  Lefthanded..........certainly gifted... Courtenay

Anonymous said...

I do believe they are all left-handed.