Thursday, August 25, 2005

I'm Sorry.....

Hello dear world....I have to say that I'm sorry. I haven't been around lately to read all of my favorite journals like I normally do. I haven't been feeling too good lately so I haven't been around as much.  I will try to catch up on all of your journals soon.....

On a different note I stopped off at Patrick's journal titled "Patricks's Place" and I did something I wish I never would have done. I made a comment on one of his entries that I wish I wouldn't have done in the first place. I don't normally like to comment on politics, personal opinion and on things that don't concern me. His entry didn't have anything to do with me so I should not have left that comment. From now I will not be doing anymore commenting on any kind of political issues or on entries in journals. I realize now that it wasn't my place to comment and I would like to say to Patrick I am sorry.

I hope to be feeling better soon.....

On a different note a sweet person named Joyce Stigger of the journal "Living With A Serious Illness" isn't doing too well herself. She has been in the hospital due to illness so if anyone could send her some kind words I'm sure she would appreciate it.

Good night dear world...Sleep Well


Anonymous said...

heres to hoping that your feeling better.

ill pay a visit to your frien,joyces journal to let her know that she is in my thoughts.

have a good weekend

love, meg

Anonymous said...

Sometimes we all say things in haste but we are all entitled to our opinions. You shouldn't let it stop you from commenting in future. Hope you feel better soon.