Sunday, August 31, 2008

Happy Labor Day

Hello dear world

Good evening !!!!!! I hope you are all enjoying your Labor Day weekend. Today my mom came back after being out at a store and she bought me some books. I started reading one of my books which is titled "On Mystic Lake" by the writer Kristin Hannah. So far the book has started out with a woman named Annie Colwater who is married to a man named Blake Colwater and he has told her that he is cheating on her with a younger woman and he wants a divorce from his wife. The thing is he told her in a very mean way and he is a very terrible horrible guy in that he is cheating on his wife with a woman that he works with. I have to say that I really really really hate the guy in the book.

Have you ever read a book my dear world where you just couldn't stand one of the people in the book ? I will have to continue reading it to let you know how it goes but the guy in this book makes it hard to read it because I just find him irritating and digusting. I do like the woman Annie she is a really good person and they do have an older daughter who went away for specific reason's but Annie didn't see it coming that her husband was cheating on her. I feel that Annie deserves better than how she is getting treated. Hopefully things turn out well for her. Here is the link for the author --->

Question : Are you reading a book that you would like to share any details of ?? Do let me know.

That's about all for now. Take care and enjoy the rest of your weekend.


Anonymous said...

(((((((((((((((((((HUGSTOYOU))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))The guy in the book sounds like a real jerk.Keep us poseted.

Anonymous said...

I hope you have had a good Labor Day Monae.  Take care cutie!


Anonymous said...

I don't get the time to read too much.  I like how you review books you like.  Reading is good for the soul.  Hope you have had a wonderful Labor Day.  Thanks for the encouragement.  Luv ya!
