This evening's entry might come out more like a letter that I send to you dear world so here it goes....
Good evening dear world....I really don't know how to begin but I have bad news. I was watching the Fox News Channel a few minutes ago and I have been hearing some pretty bad news. Hurricane Katrina is now in Lousiana and many people have taken shelter in the Lousiaina Superdome for safety. My parents used to live in Louisiana before I was born. We still have relatives down in the area I am sad to report. It is just sad to hear the news that we might lose Louisiana due to Hurricane Katrina. I heard that Louisiana might be submerged in water forever after Katrina is long gone which saddens me quite a bit. My parents are watching the news and there is news that people are still being told to evacuate the area and go to higher ground. The horrible thing dear world is that I heard that many lives will be lost in this hurricane as Katrina continues through Louisiana. Hearing the news is upsetting especially to think of all the people who are still in Louisiana and are unable to leave. I don't want to think about what could happen dear world its just too much to think of.
Enough with the bad news dear world how are you ? Here I am still not feeling all that well but I am trying to cope. The reason I have been feeling under the weather is because in the back where my kidneys are has been hurting for a few days now. My mom used to work in the medical profession so she says that its possible that I have a bladder infection which might be causing the pain. I don't want to go to the doctor and hear bad news about what might be causing me to be in pain but I'm coping.....Anyway enough about me I'll be okay.
I just hope that the people in Louisiana will be okay after this terrible hurricane comes to an end. I hope this hurricane won't be as bad as recent reports have stated but one can only can only hope.....
To everyone else out there in the world I hope you are all doing well. Sleep well everyone and take care.
In the end I did turn this into a letter which I hope finds you and finds you well......
As always I sendyou my best wishes dear world good-night