Wednesday, October 20, 2004

Thoughts for Wednesday

A Longer Weekend... I think that would be a great idea. I think that a lot of people would get behind that. It would be nice to get ( 2 ) Fridays instead of one. It would be even better if we had ( 2 ) Saturdays instead of one. I think that tons of people all over the world would definitely go for a longer weekend especially those who have to work an entire week like me. It would be something if Friday was made into 2 days on the calendar. I think that the next President who ever he is should take into consideration. Wouldn't it just be something if Friday came twiceI look forward to Fridays because that means I will be sleeping in on Saturday. I think Saturday would be even better if it came twice a week. Weekends should be considered a national holiday, I'm just saying. 

P.S. There will be no more dear diary I am just going to turn my thoughts loose

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