Monday, August 31, 2009

Monday's Update...

Hello everyone

Good evening everyone !!!!!! How is everyone today ? I do hope that you are all well. It was the start to another busy week for me at work. I finished reading "Driftwood Summer" last night which was quite good. It did rain a little while yesterday but not much.

Anywho...I started reading the book "the girl who stopped swimming" by the writer Joshilyn Jackson. Here is her link ----> . In the beginning of the story a girl who apparently is dead and has been drowned appears to a woman named Laurel Gray Hawthorne in her bedroom. Laurel and her husband get the girl out of the pool. It turns out that the girl's name is Molly Dufresne. The 911 service was called out and everyone is wondering what happened to the girl. So far its a pretty good book. I am liking the story so far.

I came upon a very wonderful place to visit called "Shipslog" I do hope you go over and check it out. I am adding the link so you can go over and check out someone that I am getting to know ----->

So how was your day dear world ? Did you have to work today ? I hope all is well in your neck of the woods. I do hope you all have a great week ahead. That's all for now.

Take care

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