Saturday, April 18, 2009

Some News...And A Personal Note

Hello everyone

Good evening to you all !!!!!!!!! I hope you are all well. I have some news to share with you today. On Friday evening after I got off of work some of my relatives from New Orleans came for a visit to us. They are staying with us for the weekend and they will be leaving on Monday. My aunt is named Janet and my uncle is named Merlin and my other cousin is named Monet. we spent the whole day outside having a barbeque in our drive way which was nice. My dad made hamburgers and my uncle Tony came over with some fish that he had made. My relatives are having a nice time with us at the house. I wish you could meet them. The weather was really nice for the barbeque.

In other news my ex-boyfriend sent me a birthday card the other day. He wrote some things in the card and apparently he still has feelings for him. I can't say that I have any feelings for him at all. My mom thinks that maybe I should give him a second try but I don't want to bring him back in my life. I will probably have to send him a card and tell him that he should find someone else that will return the feelings that he has which I can't. I hate to have to hurt his feelings but I just don't have any feelings for him. Am I wrong ???? I just don't feel the same way that he does and I don't want to have to see him face to face but he might think that he has a chance to be with me again.

So my dear world how has your weekend gone ??? I do hope that all is well in your neck of the woods. What have you been up to these days ? I hope that you are enjoying your weekend. I am off of work this weekend so I am having a nice one with my relatives and my family.

Do take care everyone !!!!

1 comment:

LYN said...